All Saint's Church Warlingham Surrey
An ancient building; A thriving community

All Saints' Church Warlingham

Putting the finishing touches for Harvest Thanksgiving.

"From the moment I arrived there was
a warm welcoming atmosphere,
smiling faces, friendliness and
helpful support for one another".

Regular Church Services

9:30am  Parish Communion & children's
Sunday Club
9:30am  All Age Communion (2nd Sunday)
6:00pm  Choral Evensong (1st Sunday)

10:00am  Holy Communion

Church Warlingham

Rector: Reverend Jeremy Blunden
01883 624125
Team Vicar: Reverend Michelle Edmonds
01883 623011

Our Churchyard
A place of peace and tranquility - wild plants, trees, birds, deer and other wildlife.
A beautiful setting for weddings and a place of stillness and quiet to remember loved ones.
